Missionary Work
The Apostles of Jesus Missionaries today engage in direct pastoral work in more than 60 apostolic communities in more than 30 dioceses in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan, South Africa, Djibouti and Ethiopia.
There are many invitations from the AMECEA Bishops and beyond calling the Apostles of Jesus to found and/or take up administration of certain parishes in their dioceses. Not all the requests can be met until such a time when we shall have enough personnel. We pray for more vocations and the means to train them. In the United States of America, Apostles of Jesus serve in various States ministering in different dioceses/ archdioceses.
The Apostles serve as pastors, parochial vicars, directors, chaplains in hospitals and colleges, and others are pursuing degrees in different universities.
Many Bishops in Africa and abroad today have expressed great hope in the Apostles of Jesus for the future evangelization of Africa and the world. Many appreciate the Apostles of Jesus missionary personnel in their zeal and dedication in apostolate wherever they have been assigned.
How it all works together
The Superior General and the General Council are elected to the office for a term of six years and can be reelected for another term. The role of the General Council is to lead, animate and strengthen the members in the Mission ad-gentes. The leadership ministry is accepted in the spirit of humility and service, imitating the Master Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd.
Because of the growing number of members and institutions run by the Apostles of Jesus and to allow for efficient administration, the General Chapter divided the administration into five regions: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan and USA.
Each region is headed by a regional superior and two councilors elected by members of the region and approved by the general council. Each region is subdivided into zones headed by a zonal coordinator, an assistant and a secretary elected by the member of the zone and approved by the general council. The zonal coordinator reports to the regional administration who in turn reports to the Superior General and his council.
The Apostles of Jesus have their General Administration at Karen, in Nairobi, Kenya. The Generalate houses the offices of the Superior General and his Council; the offices of the financial administrator and the secretary general.