PROCLAMATION OF CHRIST – God, out of His unfathomable love has called us, His friends and His Apostles, for the mission of life; that they may have life and have it in fullness (Jn. 10:10).
“I will give you Shepherds after my own heart.\” (Jer. 3:15). Thus, we are called to become Shepherds like Himself. “Through you the Good Shepherd continues to teach, to sanctify, to guide and to love all peoples of every culture, every continent and every age.” (John Paul II, 1999)
The founding of the Apostles of Jesus is in harmony with the development of the Church in Africa and the teaching of the Vatican II: “From the start, the Christian community should be organized that it is able to provide for its needs, as far as possible. The community of the faithful, endowed with the cultural riches of its nation, must be fully and deeply rooted in the people. The Church, with great joy give thanks for the priceless gift of the priestly and missionary vocation given by God to many young men and women among those people recently converted to Christ. Africa is coming to maturity in the family of faith.” (Ad Gentes).
The Lord is blessing the Apostles of Jesus with many wonderful vocations; hence the Order is growing both in quality and in number. A vocation or call to either a Priestly or Religious life is a grace. It is, therefore, a gift and an opportunity that must be responded to freely and seriously in order to be an effective instrument of the Lord.
A Seminarian is he who, again by the grace of God, has given his initial “Yes” to God’s call with all its implications. It is a call “to serve and not to be served and to give his life for a ransom for all” (Matt. 20:28).
A Seminarian aspires to a life of service to Christ in the hungry, the thirsty, the sick and imprisoned, physically and spiritually. It is a long journey to Priesthood and Brotherhood. Our Seminarians are well-educated, supported spiritually by many people, and prepared to live parsimoniously. If you feel God’s presence in your heart, calling you to a Missionary life, please contact the Apostles of Jesus. For information on how to become a Seminarian, contact the Apostles of Jesus\’ General Vocations Director in Nairobi, Kenya at If you are in the USA, please contact the Apostles of Jesus USA Regional Superior at